By Allen W. Dulles, Richard M. Helms, Edward Lansdale, William E. Colby, Colonel Fletcher Prouty, George H.W. Bush, William J. Casey, David Petraeus, John Brennan, and William J. Burns, with additional help from J. Edgar Hoover, Ollie North, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Henry Kissinger, Lyman Lemnitzer, Lyndon B. Johnson, George W. Bush, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Avril Haines, Leon Panetta, and Joe Biden.
For the uninitiated, a false-flag attack is a terrorist atrocity that is staged by government intelligence agencies but blamed on an enemy leader or patsy.
Its intent is to stir up anger and fear in the public so they will support draconian legislation that tramples on the Bill of Rights, or military intervention in some distant land framed as humanitarian intervention.
The masterminds of false-flag attacks know that that American people are gullible and misinformed about politics. As such, all they have to do is say the word communist, chemical gas attack, evil dictator, or genocide and the public will be willing to support a new war, especially if it can be waged by proxy or under the illusion that it can be won quickly.
Domestic false flags are a little more challenging. The key is to find a patsy or group that you can blame the atrocity on—preferably Islamic terrorists or white supremacist militia groups whose infiltration by the FBI the public is oblivious to.
Control over the media is imperative, as is labeling of anyone who questions the official narrative as a “conspiracy theorist.”
Let’s start with foreign operations.
To succeed, these require artfully deniable lies as well as a president or other government official skilled enough to lie while simultaneously maintaining a façade of utmost sincerity whenever questioned by journalists or members of the legislature, who can usually be counted upon never to challenge whatever story they are told, whether they actually believe it or not.
Here is the basic blueprint:
Step 1: Relentlessly demonize a foreign leader who wants to assert local control over his country’s natural resources and rejects the stationing of U.S. military bases on its soil. Make sure the American public comes to think of him as the epitome of evil. They will then believe that he is behind the latest ghastly deed, whatever it may be.
The old-timers deserve props for their work in demonizing Fidel Castro, Muammar Qaddafi, and Saddam Hussein, while the younger generation has done great work in their depiction of Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin as genocidal dictators.
Special props must go to the Clintonites and Obamites for their manufacture of the Russia Gate scandal and linkage of Putin with Donald Trump and the stealing of an election in 2016. This strategy killed two birds with one stone.
As a general rule, remember always Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels’ maxim about the Big Lie: “If you tell a big lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”
Joseph Goebbels, to Adolf Hitler’s left. [Source:]
Step 2: Manufacture a political movement to overthrow the demonized leader. Trigger mass protests and use provocateurs to force reprisals by state policing agents who can then be accused of war crimes.
Step 3: Infiltrate the leadership ranks of the rebel movement and extol the rebels as freedom fighters in the U.S. media to prepare the public psychologically for the big day.
Step 4: There are several models that may be followed at this stage:
a) The Gulf of Tonkin: In this model, a U.S. naval ship patrolling foreign waters carries out an offensive mission on enemy territory that will inevitably generate a counter-reprisal. Keep secret the offensive operation so it appears that the U.S. ship was the victim of an aggressive attack by the enemy.
b) The Weapons of Mass Destruction That Weren’t There:
Under this infamous model, a murderous psychopath is accused of harboring Weapons of Mass Destruction and the Secretary of State gives an address before the UN claiming the allegation of WMD’s was based on solid intelligence—when it was not.
c) The Libyan model: President Barack Obama, who had a strong family lineage to the CIA and was suspected of being himself a CIA operative, showcased a particularly savvy application of false-flag technique by concocting two deliciously brazen lies—that Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi was not only massacring his own citizens, but was also supplying his soldiers with free Viagra so they could carry out mass rapes.
This priceless two-in-one false-flag smear helped to create public pressure for what Obama’s Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, termed a “humanitarian intervention” by NATO, but whose real goal, prudently unstated, was to overthrow Qaddafi before he could create a pan-African currency that would free the continent from its debt peonage to the IMF and U.S. dollar hegemony. A secondary goal was to gain control of Libya’s oil reserves (9th largest in the world) and its freshwater reserves under the Sahara Desert.
Obama’s false-flag operation was a success, although regrettably not for the Libyan people. As a result of the NATO invasion, Libya collapsed into anarchy and starvation. One million Libyans became refugees and many others met torture and death at the hands of brutal warlords who were fighting one another to control pieces of what had been the most prosperous nation in Africa, where education and medical care were free, housing was considered a human right, and the legal status of women was equal to that of men.
a) Syrian model: In this model—adopted by the Obama and Trump administrations—a series of chemical gas attacks was carried out by rebel forces trained by the CIA and blamed on the Bashar al-Assad government, which the U.S. has targeted for regime change.
Just before the first attack, Obama had made a speech referring to chemical weapon attacks as a “red line” that would precipitate U.S. military intervention if crossed.
The UN’s Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) investigation was later tainted and doctored to cover up the truth.
When MIT weapons expert Theodore Postol exposed the truth, he was labeled as an apologist for an evil dictator and holocaust denier and had a key article pulled from the scientific journal on whose board of directors he had served for 30 years.
Other journalists who exposed the truth were labeled as purveyors of “Kremlin disinformation.”
Perhaps the most successful false flag attack of all time was the Pearl Harbor deception which continues to be covered up 80+ years later.
In that case, the U.S. government provoked a country (Japan) into attacking the U.S. by imposing an oil embargo designed to cripple its economy and military and rejected any efforts at diplomacy.
The U.S. government then deliberately left its West Coast flank vulnerable by transferring all naval vessels to the East Coast (“Vacant Sea”) and suppressed information of an impending attack to naval commanders who were subsequently blamed for an epic intelligence failure.
Friends, politics generally ain’t for sissies or bleeding hearts. As a general rule, the higher the civilian casualties, the more outraged the U.S. public, and the more eager they will be to go to war and spill foreign blood.
Step 5: Establish a government inquiry modeled after the Roberts Commission for Pearl Harbor which was a complete and total whitewash.[1] Afterwards, promote individuals who assisted in the cover-up and label those who question the official story as communists or worse.
Chief Justice Owen Roberts, Roosevelt’s friend and crony who helped cover up the Pearl Harbor black flag. According to William H. Standley, a four-star admiral who served on the commission, Roberts’ performance as head of the commission was “as crooked as a snake.” [Source:]
If they threaten to write a tell-all book after leaving government service, confine them to a mental hospital and then have them commit suicide by jumping out of an open window in their room after making it look like they were trying to hang themselves.
Make sure then to clean up the crime scene and then transfer all employees who witnessed anything too suspicious to a faraway location or threaten their families.
Make sure also to destroy any incriminating documents and recruit Ivy League historians to write the official version of history. Blacklist any revisionist historians and have their books attacked in the Journal of American History and New York Review of Books by an academic hack who will as a reward receive appointment to Harvard or Yale or Columbia.
One additional model is that of the Lusitania in World War I where you plant explosives on board a civilian ship carrying American tourists (including ideally some from the country’s upper crust) but accuse the enemy of sinking it, and then deliberately withhold the rescue boats so as to maximize civilian deaths—and public outrage at the enemy (Germany in that case).
Still another model not to forget is the Phoenix program in Vietnam. Under this model, U.S. proxy soldiers are dressed up as the enemy, go out and burn villages and commit other atrocities that appear to have been committed by the enemy. These atrocities are broadcast ad nauseum in the media to maximize the public relations impact.
William Colby, second from the right, plans the Phoenix program with South Vietnamese counterparts. [Source:]
The Ukrainians—advised by the CIA—appear to be following this playbook today.
Domestic False Flag
The domestic false flag is a little trickier and requires a little more planning. But the rewards are even greater. Think 9/11 and the USA PATRIOT Act and era of endless war that followed it.
George W. Bush signs the USA PATRIOT Act. [Source:]
Or the Oklahoma City bombing and 1996 anti-terrorism legislation signed by Bill Clinton, which resulted in a $500 million windfall for the FBI.
Bill Clinton signing 1996 anti-terrorism bill with Joe Biden (far right) looking on. [Source:]
So let’s get down to it.
Step 1: Identify a federal landmark or national symbol to be targeted. The seat of government, federal government buildings or World Trade Center—a symbol of U.S. Capitalism. Or perhaps the Pentagon.
If your ambition is a little smaller, choose a liberal democratic governor whom Donald Trump once mocked and whom white supremacist groups might plausibly want dead.
Step 2: Plant provocateurs in Islamic terrorist, or right-wing militia groups. Have them quietly start a riot. Get those provocateurs to coerce feeble-minded individuals to go along with their designs and be willing to sacrifice themselves for the “cause.” Prey on vulnerable people who have lost their jobs and get them to do illegal things.
The FBI informant, left, known as Big Dan, tried to coerce the four militia members featured on the right into a plot to kill Gretchen Whitmer, Michigan’s Democratic governor. The scheme was exposed in court and the militia members were either acquitted or their case ended because of a hung jury. [Source:]
Recruit criminals for the mission who can carry out bank robberies or provide the muscle on the big day. The patsy might best be a criminal whom the authorities covertly helped escape from jail after buying off the warden.
[James Earl Ray was the perfect patsy because the FBI had helped him escape from prison in Missouri, which made him dependent on his FBI/CIA handlers who set him up for Martin Luther King Jr.’s killing. [Source:]
If they are arrested or caught, make sure the guards beat them up badly or have them “commit suicide” by hanging themselves in their cells. Alternatively, have another patsy murder them like Jack Ruby and Lee Harvey Oswald and then give the murderer a drug that will give him cancer.
Recruit military veterans as foot soldiers and tell them they have been assigned to carry out a special mission that has to be kept secret. Provide a cover for them or “legend” that makes it look like they have gone off the deep end and joined with extremist anti-government elements or leftists.
Make their friends believe they became infatuated with The Turner Diaries and dream of blowing up federal buildings to avenge the Waco massacre and other government atrocities.
If you are going to destroy a building, use high-grade military bombs or demolition charges, but make it look like the building was destroyed some other way (like by flying airplanes or a fertilizer bomb in a Ryder truck across the street).
Immediately after the bombing, bulldoze what’s left of the building to prevent forensic investigation.
Step 3: Identify your main patsy and then recruit people who look like him to make public appearances in which they telegraph their crime, so people will identify him after as the “lone gunman” “lone terrorist” or “assassin.”
Send him to strip clubs and have him brag that he will soon be infamous. Pre-program and brainwash him through hypnosis and drugs and set off triggers on D-Day.
Forge a diary in the patsies name or set of letters or book that incriminate him and make him look crazy. while also advancing CIA disinformation.
Another approach is to plant his identification near the crime scene to establish further guilt by association.
A partially burned passport of alleged hijacker Ziad Jarrah that was found at the scene where Flight 93 crashed in Pennsylvania. Many question how his passport could have survived the wreckage. Alleged lead hijacker Mohammed Atta’s passport was also found at Ground Zero miraculously near the World Trade Center. [Source:]
Have the media run headlines like “The Face of Terror” which personalizes the killing and leads to the projection of public anger on one bad man rather than the corruption at the heart of the political structure.
If the patsy is slated to die, fabricate and plant a suicide note in which he confesses his guilt—and exonerates the Clinton’s of any wrong doing.
Step 4: On D-Day, stage military exercises to cause confusion. Make sure the police presence is called back. Stage an incident somewhere else in the same city to divert law enforcement’s attention.
Also stage other terrorist incidents to reinforce the people’s sense of siege and threat.
Successful examples include the bombing of Democratic and Republican Party headquarters on the eve of the January 6th Capitol riots and anthrax attacks directed at opponents of the USA PATRIOT Act after 9/11, which intensified the climate of fear that compelled people to suspend rational judgment.
Letter which accompanied anthrax attacks, attributing the attacks to al-Qaeda. Evidence later emerged, however, to confirm it was an “inside job.” [Source:]
Make sure the patsy is caught but tell him he will be rescued so he does not resist arrest.
Timothy McVeigh was set up to be caught by driving a getaway vehicle without a license plate following the Oklahoma City bombing in April 1995. [Source:]
The provocateur, meanwhile, has to go free and be removed from any wanted lists.[2]
Ex-Marine Ray Epps, whose name was suspiciously removed from the FBI’s Most Wanted List even though video shows him whispering in the ear of a known criminal, Ryan Samsel, who was the first to breach the Capitol building barricades on January 6th. The night before, when Epps gave an incendiary speech, audience members chanted: “Fed! Fed!” [Source:]
Step 5: Infiltrate local police forces and military to ensure that the investigation of the crime is rigged. Have the patsy’s defense attorney makes his client plead guilty to “avoid the death penalty” and make sure the judge excludes any evidence that would point to a wider plot.
Also it is important to create heroes out of the victims and to showcase their stories on TV specials and movies. News coverage has to spotlight the human stories of suffering and loss rather than providing any scrutiny into the crime and its perpetrators.
Step 6: Witnesses who see strange things that could lead to a questioning of the official story have to be dealt with. Their families have to be threatened or they should be killed. If not by jumping out of a building, a plane or car crash is always a good formula.
Terrance Yeakey, who was one of the first cops on the scene of the Oklahoma City bombing and helped rescue victims, was brutally murdered after he threatened to leak information about the terrorist attack. His death was framed as a suicide; however, Yeakey’s wounds were consistent with him being tortured and executed. [Source:]
If any journalists start to get too close to the truth, ridicule them and, if necessary, kill them. Reward the politicians who assist in the cover-up and journalists who carry out the smears.
Journalist Gary Webb died under suspicious circumstances after exposing the CIA’s role in trafficking drugs from Nicaragua into South Central Los Angeles to help fund the counter-revolutionary war there. [Source:]
If you follow all of the above steps and pull off a successful black flag, take a bow and pat yourself on the back. Your actions will have pleased the devil himself and caused yet more violence, misery and suffering for the human species!
[1] Admiral James O. Richardson stated that the Roberts Commission report was “the most unfair, unjust and deceptively dishonest document ever printed by the Government Printing Office.”
[2] Here is the video showing Ray Epps whispering in the ear of Ryan Samsel before the barricade came down and the J6 Capitol riot started. Epps was taken off the FBI’s Most Wanted List and never spent any time in jail, though other participants in the riot got long prison sentences: