This is a wonderful write up and tribute to keith. Great to see this.

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Wow — “a hidden side of a Moon” little known horrors…

Invaluable — BTW, how much was the infamous US”aid” involved in all of these horrors?

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A solemn day. RIP Snow, and RIP Boyle:

RIP Francis Boyle: "The Whole Concept of the Rule of Law Has Been a Joke Since 9/11/2001"



The merger between the University of Illinois at Chicago and John Marshall Law School had to be approved by the American Bar Association, which is the accrediting agency. And last February, the culprits at the University of Illinois in Chicago signed on to become a CIA signature university, which is appalling.

I grew up in Chicago. I remember Mayor Dick Daley put University of Illinois at Chicago there. And, we can criticize Daley all you want, but he came from a working class background and he wanted to have an affordable public education in the city of Chicago for working class kids like he was. Necause at that point in time, all the colleges in Chicago were private and cost a lot of money. So it's done great things for educating the youth of Chicago, working class youth, youth of color, et cetera.

So last February, the administration up there decided to become a CIA signature university, so that the CIA could operate freely on campus and recruit these kids to become CIA assets and agents. It's despicable.

Kevin Barrett

International law professor Francis Boyle passed away last Thursday, January 30. I will miss his pugnacious, fiery outrage at the palpable injustices and absurdities that metastasized during his lifetime and killed the American Republic and whatever ideals it may once have represented.

In 2013 Boyle prosecuted Israel for genocide before the Kuala Lumpur Tribunals. In early 2020 he forcefully argued that COVID-19 was obviously a bioweapon, and participated in webinar I helped organize along with Ron Unz, Meryl Nass, and others. (Boyle, like yours truly, was fingered as a “COVID conspiracy theory super-spreader” by the Zio-NATO front group Atlantic Council.) Then in mid-2022 Boyle appeared on my radio show promoting his book arguing that COVID vaccine mandates violated the Nuremburg Code.

In short, Francis Boyle was on the right side, or the mostly-right side, of several of the biggest issues that most academicians shy away from. And none of those issues were bigger than 9/11. National Medal of Science winner Lynn Margulis said more than once that science ended on September 11, 2001. At the end of this short interview, Boyle says something similar about the rule of law.

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Ah.... Those International Aid Agencies.....


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