Sep 11·edited Sep 11

Woman are famous for having their best interests used against them, however unaware they are...its come to a fine art in my state. But women are no better than men at deluding themselves, its not a gender thing, ie: the need to conform to feel validated. If their friends like something that's enough for many beaten-down types. Yup. What will turn this election are smart people who have some empowerment already. Can we depend on them? I say we had better. I say that's what will happen. Sticking my long neck out on this one...

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I recommend anyone so deluded read about the night of the long knives. Those who mistakenly thought that the criticism of global capital and the demand for worker's rights of the Nazi Party meant that a left right anti globalist alliance was possible learned the hard way. Of alliances and compromises are the essence of politics but there really cannot be any doubt as to what Trump is about now.

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