The World’s Most Dangerous Secret Societies

The Illuminati, Freemasons, Bilderberg Group, Knights Templar, The Jesuits, Skull And Bones And Others by James Jackson


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Yes, it was a false flag. Naomi Wolf explains it here


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"Some of the photos presented in the media looked to be blatantly staged. One featured a woman holding an amputee with no blood around her while onlookers nonchalantly stood around, continued to jog in the race or checked their phones—one woman was even shown smiling)."

I don't think that's what is depicted in that photo. First off there is nobody missing any limbs, so I'm not sure who the "amputee" is supposed to be. Secondly, it looks more like a runner had given up due to exhaustion and a friend or supporter came onto the road to help her up while one of the event staff members came out to clear them from the active race course (the woman in black to the left). If this photo was in fact presented as evidence for damage due to the blasts, then it was more likely a mistake made by someone in media than an attempt to demonstrate the presence of amputees.

"This photo looks very weird. The boy has no blood or visible injuries so where are his shoes? Also it looks like one of his legs is a stump. His mother looks to be pretty calm, further, in texting on her phone while her son has just lost a leg."

I'm having the same issue with this photo. The boy clearly has one shoe missing and his other foot has a sneaker with a green sole on it. So he's only missing one shoe, and the "stump" is merely a trick of the photographic angle. The leg with the foot wearing a green shoe is extended forward making it look like it's too short from that particular angle. It's possible that some piece of shrapnel hit the other shoeless leg on the shin or just below the knee with no damage to the foot. Are we sure this photo was presented as evidence for more amputees? Or was it a mistake, or intentional mis-characterization of what's clearly depicted, albeit not from a great angle?

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As I discuss in my Global Research article The Conspiracy Trap, there are reasons to believe something complex took place I this operation. Not only was it used as an excuse to experiment with a total lockdown, which would be a model for the COVID 19 regime, it also took place on Patriots Day and was at the same time as another incident clearly blocked out of the media that can only be interpreted as a sign of solidarity with Waco. The fact that the possibility that this incident could be linked to Waco and other incidents of domestic terrorism was blocked out of the new, including the alternative news, was telling.

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