good points/assessment Rachel, thanks. I think the key is to try and address the roots of immigration from south america, including free trade agreements and foreign policy initiatives that drive it, which no party is discussing.

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Well, 50 million working class Americans would not get the joke. I'll totally accept the notion that Biden threw ridiculous sums of money to defense contractors to arm the border. But that doesn’t matter if millions of immigrants are allowed in. And it's quite interesting how the immigration numbers have increased since Biden took office, seeing as he presided over a historic assault on working families.

How do they get away with a minimum wage of $7.55 in my home state of GA?? By increasing the size of the labor pool. So there's always someome willing to work at a wage that can barely pay their groceries, let alone shelter.

Jeremy, I like your work, and I appreciate the point you're trying to make. I think it's the headline that gets under my skin, because there have been open borders lately. Surveillance and new toys are terrible, but the inability of people to make a living is in a different category of terrible. And allowing in millions of undocumented immigrants, which Biden has definitely done, is only going to drive wages down further.

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